I have large folders full of pdf files with arbitrary (actually date-based names) that were produced by a scanner. The pdf files are mainly scientific journal articles that were scanned and then run through OCR. I would like to rename the files with the title found on the first page of the article and do this for multiple files in a batch
For example here is a file name:
This is a pdf scan of an article entitled "Effect of blueberry feeding on plasma lipids in pigs".
I would like to have the file renamed as:
Effect of blueberry feeding on plasma lipids in pigs.pdf
I would like to do this for a large number of files in a batch.
If the title is too long it if fine to shorten it by taking only the first x number of words/letters e.g. the first 100 characters of the title. In nearly all the articles the title is on the first page in a large font.
How can I do this?
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