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Bates numbering with filename Acrobat 8

SMl Tindall
Registered: Jan 9 2009
Posts: 3

Hi, I'm looking for a way to batch process some documents including Bates numbering. What I need to do is take a group of files named EG 1F.pdf, 2F.pdf, etc.
perform OCR
Bates number with a footer of the form 1F/ 1 of N, 2F/ 2 of N, etc.
It seems like this should be relatively easy to do with a little Javascript involvement, unfortunately my javascript chops are 10 years out of date.
Any help?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 8.0, Windows
Registered: Apr 28 2008
Posts: 432
What you describe appears to call for the footer ('header/footer') tool, not the Bates numbering tool. I can automate this with my own scripting tools, but I would not use java script. Perhaps others can suggest a java sequence. How many files -- 100's? How many pages in all? Be sure to apply OCR before applying the footer.
Registered: Oct 10 2008
Posts: 26
You may want to look at: for a desktop stamping or batch stamping

Appligent Document Solutions

SMl Tindall
Registered: Jan 9 2009
Posts: 3
Add footer would work as well.
There are several projects a week this would be done for, each containing a group of 10-30 documents varying in length from 1 to several hundred pages.
Registered: Apr 28 2008
Posts: 432
what do you need? how can someone be of assistance?