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Can I Open PDF in a New Window?

Registered: Oct 19 2007
Posts: 4

If I have a pdf file open in reader, and then want to open another one, it opens it in the same instance of the program, so the only way I can see the documents side-by-side is to select window|tile|vertically. I would like each new document I open to open in a new instance of acrobat so I can individually size the windows, etc. It makes it much easier to work with that way. Can I do that?
(I am using windows xp and the latest reader)

My Product Information:
Reader 7.0.0, Windows
Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi mtbcpa,

Sure, you can do that in Adobe Reader 8. Go to Edit-> Preferences, select the "Document" category on the left side, and under Open Settings select "Show each document in its own window (requires restart)." As noted, you will need to close Adobe Reader and restart after making that selection.Hope that helps,

WindJack Solutions
Registered: Oct 19 2007
Posts: 4
Thank you, but I have Acrobat 7. Is there a similar setting in 7, or am I out of luck in 7?