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Considering purchase, but need to know if I can edit and save a specific .pdf

Registered: Aug 16 2011
Posts: 3

Hello all, I am a new user with a very basic question (I hope).
It deals with this .pdf:
I need to find out if this specific .pdf hosted at the FDA website can be saved after end-user defined information is added to the fields provided by the original form.
The security settings and "permission details" says it can be downloaded (I have done this), but with acrobat (any version) can I input data into the fields and then save the .pdf as a new file and keep the newly entered data? With reader, I can input, but cannot save (i can print) any data I enter.
Thanks for the help in advance; I hope I was clear enough with my question.

My Product Information:
Reader 10.0, Windows
Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
Yes you can.

Remember there's a fully-functional free trial of Acrobat X Pro if you want to test specific features.
Registered: Nov 3 2008
Posts: 1202
Accepted Answer
Users with Reader actually cannot save this form filled, as it has not been Reader Enabled yet.

LoveCycle Blog
Documents you need:
LiveCycle Designer ES2 Docs

Registered: Aug 16 2011
Posts: 3
Thank you both for the replies. I had considered the free trial, but was hoping for a quick answer before going through the DL/install process.

Thanks again.
Registered: Aug 16 2011
Posts: 3
Sorry UVSAR, I didn't know you cannot accept more than one answer as helpful/good/etc. Your reply was indeed helpful as was the response from radzmar