Help! Please! I'm working in ID CS4 6.0.5 and using Acrobat 9.0.0 Pro.
When I create a PDF by using the export function in ID, the file is missing certain fonts, rules and images. Other fonts and images are in place. I have tried everything to figure this out, but I'm completely stumped. I hope someone out there can help me. I'm under deadline, of course!
Thank you.
- are the objects or layers they're on set to non-printable?
- are the missing objects in a spot color, and being ignored by your color conversion path?
- are the fonts in question protected against embedding?
If you print to Distiller rather than use Export, does it work? How about if you use the little-known "headless" route of clicking "create PDF from file" in Acrobat and picking your INDD file?
You can check for many common export errors via the preflight panel in ID.