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Digital magazine

Registered: Nov 14 2007
Posts: 63

Does anyone know why adobe digital pdf magazine was canceled? Lack of downloads?

I was thinking about starting a new digital magazine fir my real estate company. I don't know which format would be best...I really only want to do one format

PDF--- very universal, can be downloaded on multiple devices, phones, tablets, laptops, pc's etc. My only problem is the interactive content will not transfer on phones and tablets. Though it does look nice swiping through the iPad. Does not look that great on a phone

Flash---view on computers and some phones. Flash has a lot of negative press surrounding it right now. Apple does not support flash on their popular devices.

.issue very interactive on iPad but that's about it. Suppose to develop the new reader on all devices. But this will be a free magazine and as of right now I would have to submit the magazine through the app store. PDF can viewed and downloaded from the Internet without going through the app store.

As you can tell I am leaning towards PDF but does anyone else have any suggestions or comments?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro Extended 9.3.1, Windows
Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
Personally I'd go with PDF for the combination of penetration and features - there will always be some devices that don't support your format no matter which you go with, but the critical thing is to understand a page laid out for a desktop or tablet is never going to work on a cellphone. The idea of "one layout to rule them all" is an urban myth, so you'll probably have to make at least two versions.

Worth taking into account that if you're using InDesign, you can export the same document to PDF, Flash, ePub, etc. - you need to be aware of what each does and doesn't support (ePub being particularly limited) but it means you can easily trial the first edition in every format and let your customers feed back what they think.