I have a form I've been using that has a submit button. At first, when I clicked the submit button, a dialogue box appeared that let me choose between a desktop e-mail application or a web-based e-mail site. I used to use a web-based e-mail site where I would manually attached the pdf form to an e-mail and send it. I did this so often that I checked the box that says "Don't show me this again" when the Select E-Mail Client dialogue appeared.
Now, I actually have a desktop e-mail application set up and would rather use this instead, but I have no idea how to get that dialogue box up again when I click on Submit.
Does clicking the "Don't show this again" checkbox mean "Don't show this again ever?"
I'm hoping that somebody out there knows how I can get the select e-mail client dialogue box to show again even after the "Don't show this again" checkbox has be checked.
Try Edit -> Preferences, under the General Category "Reset All Warnings."Hope this helps,
WindJack Solutions
Dimitri Munkirs
WindJack Solutions