I just had to bookmark a 232 page document into 18 section with 4 subsections a piece, it felt like a very manual process?
Each section had a subsection index so I could copy and paste the titles across, then find the relevant page and set the destination.
The 18 sections were separate documents before I collated them, so it may be faster to bookmark them before collating.
Any hints how to speed this up?
You didn't mention what your used as an authoring application for the 18 individual documents.
Applications such as Adobe FrameMaker or InDesign or MS Word (using Adobe PDFMaker) support a PDF creation
process that permits creation of PDF Bookmarks from application paragraph tags / Headings.
Using this, the 18 individual PDF files would all have PDF Bookmarks in place.
Using Document > Insert Pages or Combine Files the compiled PDF would have the Bookmarks that were present
in each of the 18 component PDF files.
Some minor Bookmark clean up may be called for after use of Combine Files; but, it'd be much less than the
time intensive manual process you describe.
If you do not have the authoring files to work with than manually adding Bookmarks to either the 18 PDFs prior to creation of the single PDF or doing the job in the final, single PDF is a coin toss.
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