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Fax to database using Acrobat?

Registered: Feb 10 2008
Posts: 2

I receive Fax's that need to be entered into a database and the sender can't be involved. I think I can get a fax account that will send them to me and convert them into .pdf, using email to transmit them.

I noticed that, using Acrobat, you can train a fax so if identifies the fields that I need imputed into a .NET application, so does anyone have any suggestions?

My goal is that when someone Fax's me the needed fields in the fax are shown in a published grid. We planed on coding the data from one system to mine, but it is difficult to get companies to allow it.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 8.1.1, Windows
Registered: Apr 7 2011
Posts: 1
Although it is more than several years. I am looking similar solution and very interesting about your thoughts. Have you even done this ? Please contact me at eliu AT mogoo DOT biz. Thnaks.