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Font Conversion Problem??

Registered: Jun 21 2009
Posts: 5

I have been using acrobat 6.0 for several years without a problem. Suddenly, the converted file is a jumble of letters (looks lik Russian of Greek) . Some lines (fonts) appear OK, but most are jumbled.

I was in a hurry to solve and though it might be the old version. Upgraded to 9.0 Standard - same problem.

Would appreciate any help or suggestions.


My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 9.1.1, Windows
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
Sounds like your fonts are not embedded. If you check under File > Properties > Font tab you can determine if the fonts have not been embedded. If not, just modify your PDF creation setting so that you're embedding all your fonts.

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: Jun 21 2009
Posts: 5
Thank you for your response, but it was not clear where you find the PDF Creation Settings.

I am having this problem on my Dell laptop. I opened Distiller and found the font settings and found all were set to "never embed". Changed to have all embedded and saved. However, problem still persists.

I also loaded the software on my desktop and while there is not font problem, I see that every time I highlight a WORD or Excel file, the Adobe goes into a configuration routine that lasts about 30 seconds. Very annoying and I cannot see why it is doing it.

Any other suggestions?

Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
Can you post an example? You can use (free service) to post your file.

Try doing a Repair Acrobat installation (under the Help) menu to correct the configuration problem.

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for