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Format Fonts

Registered: Aug 31 2007
Posts: 10

Adobe Pro 8 Mac OS X.4:

When using typewriter, how do I change font size, to bold?

thanks in advance...

Southern ILL.

Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
When your cursor is inside the typewriter tool text, use the Typewriter menu Tools to increase/decrease point size (the menu is a big T and little T). To bold the text use Command + b.

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: Sep 26 2007
Posts: 2
Im relatively new and running Acrobat 8.0 on XP using the typewriter tool. Trying to reduce the text. The functions on my typewriter tool box are greyed out. Help says to select the text and click to reduce the font. I have tried selecting the text box, selecting the text while actually in the typewriter tool and cannot activate the text reduction function. What am I doing wrong?Many thanks.
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
First, make sure that security on the document has not been set to disallow adding comments. File --> Properties under the Security tab. If adding comments is allowed then it's probably an issue with the focus. To change the text size make sure the text box properties menu is active (Ctrl + e). Then click inside the typewriter box (I beam cursor) and change font size using the menu.

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: Sep 26 2007
Posts: 2
Thanks. I did check the security and comments are allowed and I still can't reduce the text size. Now I seem to be having problems using the typewriter tool in new documents in which I have enabled it - AARGH. I get the typewriter prompt but when I click inside the document, I am not allowed to enter text. I'll get back to text reduction after I figure this out!