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Fuzzy images

Registered: Mar 7 2007
Posts: 11

I am currently using Adobe Acrobat 8.0 Standard and Professional (different machines). All of my scanned documents appear somewhat fuzzy. I have tried changing different settings and have been unable to resolve this. I have Canon scanners on both machines (DR-9080C for Professional and DR-7080C for Standard). Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Tina Seekell
chseekell [at] cmsenergy [dot] com

Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
What are your Text Recognition Options setup as under the Acrobat Scan menu? Is downsampling selected?

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: Mar 7 2007
Posts: 11
The downsampling I have selected under Text Recognition is: Lowest (600 dpi). However I don't always recognize the text but get the same output.
Registered: Sep 17 2007
Posts: 1
I don't know if this will help you or not but, I had a similar problem. I changed the scan mode from Black @ White to Color. It made the the images not as fuzzy. But also it copied through the other side of the scanned doc. as shadows....