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Graphics in Adobe 8 Professional "Dithery"

Registered: Jan 4 2010
Posts: 4

I have Adobe 8 Professional 8.1.5 and run it on Windows XP. I get a lot of maps sent to me to be incorporate into Word 2007 reports.

When I open these maps in Adobe 8 they are "dithery" fuzzy and not clear. I use the Snapshot tool to cut/paste into my document but they are fuzzy as well.

When I did some Googling I found a reference to Adobe Reader 9 and downloaded it. These same exact PDF files open in Adobe Reader 9 clear. They cut/paste into my document clear.

I obviously would like the same thing to happen in Adobe 8 as the Comment/Markup tool is not available in Reader 9.

Please help! Anybody have any ideas?

Thanks so much -


My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 8.1.5, Windows
Registered: Apr 28 2008
Posts: 432
do you mean that the same map files open clear in Reader, but fuzzy in AA8? The clarity should be the same in each case. let's see one of the fuzzy maps; please post one to [].
Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Sorry to butt in on this thread, but rbogie my head hurts just looking at that avatar! I hope 2010 is SO good for you that you change it to a happy face :)

WindJack Solutions
Registered: Jan 4 2010
Posts: 4
Hello! I had the problem solved yesterday by a member that I had emailed. I went to Edit>Preferences>Rendering>Smooth Text. I had "none" picked. Once I changed that to Laptop/LCD the image cleared up!However, it still seems a bit clearer to me in Adobe 9 Reader, perhaps because of the "use 2D graphics acceleration" button that is not present in Acrobat 8? Acrobat 8 does have a "use 2D GPU Acceleration" option but when I click it I swear it gets a bit fuzzier.
