I have been supplied with a pdf that is straight text, no indexing, bookmarks or anything. What is the best way to create a table of contents/index that will provide topics with page numbers to enable the reader to navigate the document? This is not a problem if viewed electronically, I just created bookmarks throughout. However, this too was combersome as the document is 300+ pgs long... but we also print this document and need a printable TOC/Index.
1) easiest way to make a printable TOC/Index
2) easiest/fastest way to make electronic bookmarks, also.
Greatly appriciate your assistance and knowledge.
Thank you!!!
You can use a Batch Sequence to obtain a list of the bookmarks you created manually.
This can be inserted at the front of the PDF to provide a TOC for hard copy.
The Batch Sequence is "List all bookmarks". The link immediately below is to a post for info and link(s) to the Adobe document and example sequence files (includes "List all bookmarks").
An example of the Batch Sequence output PDF (sequence run against Adobe's Batch Sequence document):
Having the page number, from the PDF, placed adjacent to the TOC (bookmark list) may be problematic.
Getting an Index, in the traditional sense of the term, may not be practicable using only the PDF.
If that should be the case & you must have one then you may have to build it separately (manually), output to PDF, add it to the original PDF and then manually create any links you want.
If the source file is available, building the index in the authoring application from which the PDF was created might be easier.
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