Hi all,
I tried to compare the two pdf documents through acrobat sdk. But below code not working. Could you please advise on this.
ACCB1 void ACCB2 MyPluginCommand(void *clientData)
ASAtom NameAtom = ASExtensionGetRegisteredName (gExtensionID);
const char * name = ASAtomGetString(NameAtom);
char str[256];
AVDoc avDoc = AVAppGetActiveDoc();
if(avDoc==NULL) {
strcat(str,"There is no PDF document loaded in Acrobat.");
else {
PDDoc pdDoc = AVDocGetPDDoc (avDoc);
int numPages = PDDocGetNumPages (pdDoc);
String* docA = S"D:\\first.pdf";
String* docB = S"D:\\second.pdf";
ASBool DigSigComparePages (pdDoc docA, pdDoc docB, true);
//sprintf(str,"%sThe front PDF document has %d pages.", str, numPages);
Thanks in advance.
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