1. How do I get the Thumbnail size to stay at a smaller size for every every document once I set it in the Pages panel? It seems I have to keep resetting it everytime I open a document. The only place I know where to set it is from the Pages panel. This isn't case with A8.
2. How do I get the Options in the Combine dialog to stick? I open the Combine files dialog and add some files to the list to make a Single file. I click on the options button in the lower left corner and uncheck the box that says Always add bookmarks to Adobe PDF. I expect that option to stick until I decide to change it. I have to do this every time I run this feature.
Both of these seem to me like bugs or features that need fixing but I want to know if anyone else is experiencing the same thing.
Feedback please.
I have a particular through for the Color conversion dialog box...