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How can I print a listing of the bookmarks (print expanded bookmarks)?

Registered: Sep 17 2007
Posts: 13

In our PDFs the TOC doesn't contain all the heading levels, however, the booksmarks view in the left navigation does show all heading levels. I need to print the expanded bookmark view so that I can review all the headings in the PDF.

Is there a way for me to print the expanded bookmark view?

Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
This can be done through javascipt and here is a link to example code:

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
The Batch Sequence "List all bookmarks" should do the job for you.
Name :: List all Bookmarks.sequ
From Adobe's "Batch Sequences" document (Adobe Acrobat SDK Version 8.0)
"Task: Create a PDF document using the Report object that lists the bookmarks in another PDF document.
The new document can be saved and printed."

Where to put the sequence file (yes, looks to be Windows only)?
For AApro7
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Acrobat\Sequences\ENU
For AApro8
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 8.0\Acrobat\Sequences\ENU

~~ using the sequence ~~
Launch AApro8.
You do not need an open PDF for this.
Select Advanced > Document Processing > Batch Processing...
In the Batch Sequences dialog window locate and select the
"List all Bookmarks" sequence.
Click on the "Run Sequence" button. Click "OK".
Browse to the existing PDF files with the bookmarks to be listed.
(pre-stage a copy of these into a discrete folder)
Select the first PDF. Shift-Click the last PDF. All files are now selected.
Click on the "Select" button.
The Batch Sequence runs the javascript.
You now have the Batch Sequence dialog and a new PDF before you.
Click the "Close" button on the Batch Sequences dialog.
Save the new PDF file.
It contains all the bookmarks.
[my sidebar here ...Neat!!! (while doing a Snoopy Dance)]

How to get the Batch Sequences document and sample Sequences (including List all Bookmarks)?
There are two locations.

Click on the "DOCUMENTATION" tab - at page bottom
Download "Batch sequences" and ""
Scroll down to mid-page.
Download "Batch sequences" and "Sample sequences used in the Batch Sequences document"

With these you will have a number of functional and useful "ready-to-go" batch sequences
and a "what's it all about" document should you want to diy.

hth :)

Be well...

Registered: Sep 17 2007
Posts: 13
Dear HTH,
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Your advice and steps worked PERFECTLY, and it was so easy to do! I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your help! I'm like a kid with a new toy.

You've helped me tremendously to be able to do my job.

Before your append, I tried to follow the previous append on creating a javascript to list all the bookmarks. Over the weekend, I spent hours and hours reading and trying to create the javascript, and all I got was extremely frustrated. I had given up and was sorry that I wasted my personal time off for it.

Please consider this a very grateful thank-you card :-)

Best regards,
Paula Cross
Registered: Apr 14 2009
Posts: 2
I am looking for a similar solution, but not for just a list of bookmarks. I am attempting to save the bookmarks of a PDF file before recreating it from a Word document. After recreating the PDF file, I want to be able to re-load the bookmarks. The reason for this is that I have documents where I am adding content to the bottom of the document, so all the existing bookmarks remain the same.

I am already doing this wth PDF995 and PDFEdit995, but would rather use Acrobat if I can.

Thank you kindly for your assistance!
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
You will need to special plug-in, as Acrobat JavaScript can only list the name of the bookmark but can not access the actions included in the bookmark objects.

It is also possible to add bookmarks in Word through the use the PDFMark commands as part of Word's "Print" field, [url=]How To: Use PDFMark Operators].

George Kaiser

Registered: Apr 28 2008
Posts: 432
lawcosd wrote:
I am attempting to save the bookmarks of a PDF file before recreating it from a Word document. After recreating the PDF file, I want to be able to re-load the bookmarks.
Make a working copy of the old file that has the bookmarks. Delete all the pages except one (a file must have at least one page). You now have a file with a just one page and the original bookmarks. Let's rename this file "bookmarks.pdf". Create newfile.pdf (from Word or whatever authoring app). Insert bookmarks file to newfile. The single page 'bookmarks' may be inserted (document> insert pages) anywhere but 'after last' makes sense. Now, newfile has the new content, the original bookmarks and a superfluous last page (assuming bookmarks was inserted 'after last'). Delete the superfluous page. Now you need to edit the bookmarks' properties and update the 'go to page in this document' actions. Job complete.
Registered: Apr 14 2009
Posts: 2
Thank you to all that replied. I ended up adding the pdfmark fields into the Word document as suggested. That did the trick.

In Microsoft Word, at the beginning of each page where I desired a bookmark, in did the Ctrl/F9 (insert blank field) key sequence and typed in the following in between the brackets provided :
{PRINT \p Group "[/Title (Bookmark Title) pdfmark"}. Again, the brackets are provided when you do the Ctrl/F9, so you don't have to type those.

One thing I had to do was add an extra blank line at the top of the document. Otherwise, my bookmark was one page off (previous page). I use page breaks to finish up the previous page, so that may be the problem. I'll play with that a bit to see if I can work around adding an extra line.

Also, once you save the Word document and open it again, the field codes are still there but are not visible unless you turn on field code viewing under TOOLS, OPTIONS, select the VIEW tab and check the FIELD CODES option.

Thanks again!
Registered: May 6 2009
Posts: 2
Thank you for the Batch Sequence "List all bookmarks" answer. It worked wonderfully on Acrobat 8.0. I am now trying to get it to work on 9.0 Pro (updated to 9.1.0), and am running into problems. I have spoken to one other person who is getting the same error. Specifically, it gathers bookmarks, but stops after it has gathered only 1 or 2 pages worth of bookmarks. For very large documents with pages of bookmarks, it just creates an unintelligible jumble at the bottom of the last page of the created pdf of gathered bookmarks.

Has anyone else encountered this? Has anyone figured out what is going wrong or whether there is a fix?
Registered: May 27 2009
Posts: 10
Hi. did you find the solution for getting it to work on 9.0 Pro????? i still can't get it to work..... still only prints 1st page of bookmarks.
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
Hi Claudia,

try67 wrote:
There's a bug in the Report object in Acrobat 9. Basically it fails to spawn a new page when reaching the end of the first one. The way to overcome it is to create a variable that holds the number of lines printed, and when it reaches a certain number (depending on font size), add a new page to the report.
That should solve it.
From this thread:
[url=]Adobe Pro extended - list of Bookmarks[/url]

Hopefully, an update release to Acrobat 9 will resolve this.

Be well...

Be well...

Registered: Jun 10 2009
Posts: 1
In Firefox you can add bookmarks:-
bookmarks > orgainize bookmarks
file > exportgo to where u want to put it
bookmarks > orgainize bookmarks
file >import
Registered: Oct 30 2008
Posts: 2398
If anyone wants the solution for this issue they can contact me privately.

- AcrobatUsers Community Expert - Contact me personally at try6767 [at] gmail [dot] com
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