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how to create book-cover?

Registered: Jun 17 2010
Posts: 5

Have just downloaded Acrobat 9 Pro free 30 day trial, never used other than Reader before, so new here.
Need to create a book-cover for a book for self-publishing. Cover to be standard format 6x9 inches and text only, that is, no artwork, photos or logos, so sounds simple enough. Cover to be submitted as a single PDF, that is, front and back and spine on 1 single "page", formatted to the millimetre, and I have all the required measurements on a template provided by the e-publisher ( Have spent half a day reading tutorials and done some experimenting but getting nowhere.
Can anyone point me to a resource on how to do this? Only 29 days left... Greetings from Denmark.

Registered: Jan 5 2010
Posts: 11
I just make my layout on Open Office spreadsheet and when its arranged like I want it, then convert it to PDF.
Lkobescak (not verified)
randytodd wrote:
I just make my layout on Open Office spreadsheet and when its arranged like I want it, then convert it to PDF.
rightly said but along with that look at the scaling of the file , this is important
Registered: Jun 17 2010
Posts: 5
OK thanks both of you, will have a go and see what happens - wish me luck!