I've been creating PDF files which are intended to be embeded in HTML pages. The pdfs I create are going to have link annotations to other web pages, so far so good. This is my problem:
1)I create a pdf file, and I also add JavaScript annotations using app.LaunchURL() function.
2)I Insert pdfs to HTML pages using tags;
3)I open those HTML pages with embeded PDF files, and then I in the link in the pdf file:
. a)If I'm using firefox browser (which one is my default OS browser), a new TAB in firefox opens the targeted link.
. b) If I'm using IExplore, a new Internet explorer WINDOW opens the targeted link
. c) I I'm using Opera browser, a new firefox window opens the targeted link (and NOT an opera instance)
I've read PDF specification, but I found nothing about that. What determines which browser should be used to open when app.LaunchURL function is called?
I'd really appreciate your help,
Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
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