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How to get the highlight URL option to work

Registered: Mar 18 2010
Posts: 5

I'm trying to find a working URL example of linking to a .pdf file and using the highlight option.

The Adobe document covers the available parameters. However, I can not seem to get highlight to work.

Can anyone respond with a working example?

Many thanks,


Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
Can you post the URL string you're using? Are you using the page command first?

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: Mar 18 2010
Posts: 5
I've been trying the following syntax without success:
URL#page=pagenum&highlight=lt,rt,top,btmLets use the above document as an example.

1. If I wanted to go to the page that mentions the highlight options I can successfully do that:

2. I can also successfully use the viewrect option to view the highlight section; as in,310,500,503. However, if I actually wanted to highlight that section; it doesn't seem to work. I've tried many different number schemes; but in essence I'm using the following:,310,500,50Lori, do you have an example that works?

Many thanks for any light you can shed on this,

Registered: Mar 18 2010
Posts: 5
Ok, I think I have this now.

As the Adobe documentation states: highlight=lt,rt,top,btm Where

The rectangle values are integers in a coordinate system where 0,0 represents the top left corner of the visible page, regardless of document rotation.
However, what I have found to be the case is the following...

[b]lt[/b] [u]LEFT[/u] side of highlight will start this far from the [u]LEFT[/u] side of the page
[b]rt[/b] [u]RIGHT[/u] side of highlight will start this far from the [u]LEFT[/u] side of the page
[b]top[/b] [u]TOP[/u] side of highlight will start this far from the [u]BOTTOM[/u] of the page
[b]btm[/b] [u]BOTTOM[/u] side of highlight will start this far from the [u]BOTTOM[/u] of the page

highlight will [u]only[/u] work if the following holds:
lt < rt
top > btmMany of the examples I was trying to use were based on using 0,0; and seeing lt,rt,top,btm as Cartesian coordinates.

These are not coordinates. Try highlighting the first quarter of a page. In order to do so; you have to use "highlight=0,301,795,398"
