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How to merge properties bar into tool bar? ---Acrobat X

Registered: Nov 15 2010
Posts: 3

I can't drop the properties bar into the tool bar, is it a bug?
I also can't drop to change the order of the icons on the tool bar, why?

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Acrobat, Windows
Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
It's as designed. You can modify the tool icons you add to the Quick Tools area, but the default toolbars are fixed and floating bars cannot be docked to the UI framework.
Registered: Nov 15 2010
Posts: 3
Every time when I need properties bar, I have to right click the tool bar and select it. When I reopen Acrobat X, the properties bar disappears. I have to do it again. It's a trouble for the users. You can't say it's as designed. That's all?
Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
Unfortunately I *can* say "it's as designed" - you may not like how it works, but that's precisely how the engineers decided it was going to behave. Because the properties widget dynamically changes size and content based on what you click, docking it into the flowed toolbar space is not a realistic option.

You can open the Properties widget with the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-E (CMD-E), but the state of panels, widgets and sidebars is not persistent across an application restart.
Registered: Nov 15 2010
Posts: 3
Thanks. I will ctrl-E every time I need it. But I prefer it shows on the tool bar automatically. It will save time to type ctrl-E.
Registered: Dec 2 2010
Posts: 1
Is there a command line parameter to have Acrobat X always run with the properties bar open? I use the properties bar everytime I open Acrobat and while ctrl+e is a decent shortcut, I know I will be cursing Adobe everytime I open Acrobat and the properties bar isn't there!
Registered: Nov 8 2011
Posts: 2
I really appreciate the answer, re the properties bar. However, there is no reason why the properties bar cannot be selected to open evertime I open the program, and be allowed to float. Adobe has always made my job much easier, but each new iteration seems to be reducing the ease of basic functions. I hope that the programmers understand that users are focused on the document, not how cleverly the functions have been hidden, and forcing us to use additional key strokes is disruptive and unnecessary. Seriously, I use different versions of Adobe at multiple offices (I don't have control over their software selections), so I see how it has been tweaked, from v5 through vX and it seems that there are programmers who have nothing better to do than shuffle and rename functions, reduce accessibility, etc. This causes HOURS of wasted time, though I admit that this seems to be how all software is evolving. Adobe - please allow the properties bar to float. Also, if anyone can tell me where to find a good list of keystroke shortcuts, I would appreciate it.


Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
There's a complete list of the Acrobat and Adobe Reader keyboard shortcuts at the end of the product help file. They can't be changed or new shortcuts created.

Registered: Nov 8 2011
Posts: 2
@UVSAR - Thanks.


Registered: Nov 24 2011
Posts: 3
Wow... What else was removed/restricted in 10? Adobe decided they needed to hold my hand for the toolbar configuration. Really?
Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
The Acrobat Family is designed for enterprise knowledge workers, and a consistent user interface is important to reduce the complexity of support and training, and ensure users can easily operate installations on other machines or across platforms. It is also designed to better-cope with common EKW tasks such as changing screen sizes (from use of docking stations, projectors, etc.) where undocked UI elements would need rearranging.