My series of PDFs all have attachments and the pane displays to the left of the main document on open, except one. In that case, the pane opens across the bottom of the document.
What must be reset so that the attachment pane displays to the left of the main document?
Also, is there a way to not show unused icons along the left border. For example, the Layers icon serves no purpose for these PDFs. Can it be removed?
By default, some panels, such as Bookmarks, appear in a column on the left side of the work area. Others, such as the Comments panel, appear horizontally across the bottom of the document pane. You can change the orientation of any panel to either vertical or horizontal by dragging the button for that panel, which appears on the left side of the work area.
To orient the panel vertically, drag its button to the upper part of the navigation pane, near the buttons of other vertically oriented panels.
To orient the panel horizontally, drag its button to the lower part of the navigation pane, near the buttons of other horizontally oriented panels.
In either case, a gray frame highlights the entire panel buttons area. If you release the mouse button before the area is highlighted, the panel will float above the work area. If that happens, try again by dragging the panel tab into the upper or lower part of the button area.
The above information is also found in the help topics discussion of the Navigation Pane, the subtopic is adjust navigation panels.
To suppress the display of the layers panel for the PDF you mentioned select View > Navigation Panels > and verify the Layers choice is unchecked.Another way to suppress the display of any of the navigation tab icons, drag the icon away from the navigation pane area and onto the middle of the document area. Then select the close control (the x in the right corner of the dialog). You can also use the Alt F4 shortcut on Windows to close the dialog.
You can also have the document suppress the menu bars, navigation panels and other interface elements. This is a combination of two settings:
Select File > Properties to display the document properties dialogIn the bottom section labelled User Interface Options you can have the document show or hide any combination of the menu bar, tool bars, or window controls.
A second setting determines whether or not Acrobat / Reader will honor the document's preferences:
Edit > Preferences. Select the Documents category. In the open settings section there is an option to Allow documents to hide the menu bar, tool bar, and window controls.In any event, you can make these hidden items reappear by using the keyboard shortcuts:
Show hide navigation pane = F4
Show hide the tool bar = F8
Show hide the menu bar = F9
Greg Pisocky
Adobe Accessibility