I am trying to Hyperlink from Excel to PDF(to a specific page in PDF)
My PDF document resides on Desktop and the path for hyperlink in Excel ends with (../PO.pdf#page=5) but on click of the hyperlink it points to first page in PDF.
I use Adobe Acrobat 8 proffesional and Excel 2007.
Please suggest the possible solution
PDFMaker cannot process Office specific links that use Office specific parameters to establish something such as an file-to-file Office "bookmark".
Acrobat does provide a selection of "open parameters"; however, they are specific to the use of a fully formed URL link in an HTML file.
PDF open parameters are discussed in this document.
[url=http://www.adobe.com/devnet/acrobat/pdfs/pdf_open_parameters_v9.pdf]Parameters for Opening PDF Files[/url]
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