I'm a new member but an old timer (67 years young) so please be gentle with me for what might be dumb questions -
I use Wordperfect 9 (WP) and a quick look at the FAQ tells me that it isn't the most popular software. But I have a LOT of documents that have been created with it and would prefer not to change if possible -
I can create a hyperlink in WP - Once this has been done I can use WP to change the displayed text for the hyperlink but the hyperlink itself remains unchanged - This is very handy for my particular application -
When I convert the WP file to PDF using Acrobat 8 Pro and the Adobe PDF Printer, the hyperlink is changed to the new text and the old underlying hyperlink is no longer there -
Is there something simple that I am missing here?
Any suggestions or a "cookbook" solution would be appreciated -
Roland Friestad
To pass through the WordPerfect hyperlinks to PDF I suspect you'll want to use Print to PDF vice print via Distiller.
Corel's knowledgebase indicates that you ought to be able to set your hyperlink in WordPerfect and have it pass through to the output PDF.
When selecting File > Publish to > PDF for WordPerfect 12 the Document tab in the Publish To PDF dialog lets you check/uncheck "Include hyperlinks"
If checked, the link(s) in the output PDF function properly. In WordPerfect 9 you may have to fill in the full/absolute path to the file target when you setup the hyperlink in WordPerfect.
An awkward behavior demonstrated by a WordPerfect test file with hyperlinks to adjacent files is that the WP hyperlink(s) "c:\folder\folder\file" became "http://file". My understanding is that the output is produced by a Corel "print engine" for PDF which would make this a WordPerfect/Corel issue and not an Adobe/Distiller/Acrobat issue. With that said, there may well be one or more WordPerfect updates that could resolve this for my WP12 install. I'll have to look.
From Corel's Knowledgebase.
Go to Corel's site [url]http://www.corel.com/[/url]
Towards the top, locate the "Support" tab. Hover your mouse over it. From the dropdown menu, select Knowledgebase.
At the knowledgebase page, select "WordPerfect Office" for Products and Services and type in "publish to pdf" for the Search Text.
Click on Search. Meander through the listings of knowledgebase articles (answers).
Answer ID number 754077 discusses adding a hyperlink to a PDF from WordPerfect and is applicable to WP9.
Select text or a graphic
Click on the Tools menu and select Hyperlink
Type a path and filename in the Document/Macro box
NOTE: You can also create a hyperlink to a Web address by typing a URL in the Document/macro box.
If you want to browse for the URL, click Browse Web
If you want to link to a bookmark, choose a bookmark from the Bookmark list box
Type the name of the frame in the Target frame box
NOTE: When publishing to the Web or PDF, WordPerfect uses absolute URLs rather than relative URLs, meaning that you need to enter the full location path to the link, not just the filename. If you are linking to a document, you must have the full path to the document. If not, you will get "file not found" errors when clicking on the link.
Be well...