I am creating a large document that contains multiple chapters. I have experimented with various formats from one unified PDF to multiple PDFs with cross-linked bookmarks to create the "feel" of a unified book.
For ease of use, I prefer the single PDF because users can scroll through the entire document--and I can split book chapters into sections via page numbering so that users can quickly identify where they are at within the entire document.
My question, however, is about indexing. When I index multiple PDFs, the search results come back separated under the heading of each individual PDF (in this case chapters). This makes it easy for the user to quickly identify what section of the book the results come from.
Yet when I index the single PDF (from combined PDFs), the search results are all joined together from the entire 4000 page document without a means to identify chapters. Is there a way to sort search results via indexing similar to the way that pages can be split into sections via numbering?
The author of numerous books on Acrobat, Photoshop, Illustrator and the Adobe Creative Suite, and an international speaker on Adobe Acrobat, Ted Padova is a well-known PDF guru.