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Linking catalog pages to price list

Registered: Mar 16 2009
Posts: 3

I'm using Acrobat Pro 9. I have a PDF catalog and have included the price list in the same PDF. I would like to create a link to the section of the price list that corresponds to the picture and description. I've tried using the link feature and it doesn't seem to work although I think that I'm following the instructions correctly.

I'm very new at creating something like this so maybe there is a suggestion of a better way to set this up. Ideally I can see a pop-up when you move the mouse over the picture or a spot designated on the page.

The catalog is going to be put on a CD and distributed to our dealers.


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.1, Windows
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
With the full version of Acrobat Professional there should be a copy of a sample form called "Store" that is a sample catalog loads the catalog number and price to fields in the catalog and has 'buy' buttons that add the items to the order form. A revised version that loads the catalog number, description for order form, and price from an array into a list box rather than from a list box. This is a farily advanced application. It also supports importing customer data from PFN file.

[url=]Store Revised[/url]. You can login as guest to download the file.

George Kaiser