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Make permanent edits in PDF- Block out words

Registered: Sep 14 2007
Posts: 2

Help! I have Acrobat 7.00 Standard, I have a PDF that I must BLOCK OUT certain words and email it to someone else, so that they can't "peek underneath" the blocks, and so when they print it, those words are blocked out. I used the pencil to scribble over, but when I print, the scribbles are not there, and the words show. How do I block out words permanently?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 7.0.0, Macintosh
Registered: Jul 9 2006
Posts: 858
You could upgrade your version 7.0 to Acrobat 8 and use the new Redaction tool or in your current version use the Text field tool.

If you use the Text field tool, your objective is to draw fields around the word/s to be blocked and set the following properties for each field:

under Apperance - Border & fill color is set to black.Under General properties set the Common Properties to Read Only and Locked.

You could also do the above then password protect each field if they all are given the same name.

My favorite quote - "Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.

Registered: Dec 1 2005
Posts: 122
One more thing. The fix suggested for Acrobat 7 has a flaw in that the text can be found with Search. It still exists in the document, so it can exported, Read Out Loud (with the on-board screen reading feature), and otherwise accessed. If you truly need to remove the text from the document, then you will need to use redaction. I reccomend the upgrade.

I am a long-time Acrobat user, an employee of Adobe Systems, and Maine native. I have created training videos for Total Training, consulted with people to help them better use Acrobat, and developed new business for Adobe as a Business Development Manager

Registered: Dec 13 2006
Posts: 5
There is yet another method:

Use fill blocks (with black) to cover the appropriate data. Then use Snapshot to take a photo of the page(s)and e-mail the snapshot