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Missing system fonts but they aer not missing! Acrobat Pro 9.0

Registered: May 14 2009
Posts: 3

Windows XP SP2

While attempting to edit and print a small amount of text in an existing pdf I receive the following when I attempt to use the print function; error missing system font-times new roman 12-acrobat will substitue another font (what I don't know) after this happens all the spacing throughout the document is somewhat altered an essentially unusable.

When I look in the font folder of XP Times New Roman 12 is installed.

Can anyone help? I only have the expired version of pro 9.0 on my computer and want to be sure this can be fixed before I purchase the full version.

Thanx in advance!

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.0, Windows
Kristan K
Registered: May 19 2009
Posts: 6
Has anyone got any suggestions on this issue? I have found a similar situation where the spacing is going all whacky after I try to edit the text.

So the background on the situation is that I had been using another PDF maker/editer, and it had its own limitations, so our IT guys put Acrobat Pro onto my machine and I trialled it for a while. GREAT! The issues that had been cropping up were no longer an issue, but then I decided to do a few minor text edit to a document which would've been much harder to just re-PDF and combine etc. That was fine, but as soon as I saved the document, the spacing of the text went really off.

I did this several times, noting that in one document that I did it in, it also came up with the error that is in this thread and also within this ( thread.

So I checked - I am using verdana for the most part, our company had recently switched from Arial - and infact the document I found this glitch in had some of both (now rectified to just be verdana).

Initially I had the other PDF program on my computer still, so I created the original PDFs with it, and then combined and edited them with Acrobat Pro 9.0 - no glitch. The other PDF program has now gone as other people are using the license, and I'm stuck with a program where I can't edit the text to change the colour, or other minor things without the spacing of the entire document going out.

As a test I created a new PDF with the settings changed as per the other thread I linked to (changed within Distiller), and then recombined those into one, and all I did was use the tool to insert a space after a paragraph, and viola, as soon as I saved after that point, the spacing went out.

I can provide example documents if I can work out how to post them somewhere for others to view.

We deal with very large documents which are handled in smaller sections, then combined into one PDF, bookmarks organised and/or created to link everything up, and at times, I NEED to do minor text edits (eg change a colour of a text to indicate a link)... if Acrobat Pro 9.0 says that you can do touching up, it should be able to provide this without errors like some of us seem to be getting...

Help is really appreciated!
Registered: Nov 14 2008
Posts: 28
Same problem. How do you add a font system to make it available? It seems so odd that some pdfs have this problem but others don't, which means a font system is available on my computer. What is blocking it and how to fix it?