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Page Size Toolbar

Registered: Oct 4 2007
Posts: 6

Padova's Adobe 8 Bible mentions a Page Size Toolbar, availlable through the Crop Toolbar. I cannot find such a device. I have a .pdf file which obviously originally was an Excel file, but the writer set it up as a letter size file rather than legal size, which would have been the logical thing. I can't find any way to edit the page size to legal size.

Acrobat 9ExpertTeam
Registered: Mar 1 2006
Posts: 766
I can't find it too !
But you'll find the crop tool in the "Advanced" menu > Print production;)
Registered: Oct 4 2007
Posts: 6
Yes, I know about the Crop Tool Bar, just can't understand how to get to the Page Size Toolbar. Could it be only in Professional? Book doesn't say that, but maybe so. Wish Mr. Padova would respond.

Registered: Aug 1 2007
Posts: 12
Until Mr. Padova weighs in, I can tell you what I see in Acrobat Pro 7, where the Print Production toolbar is on the Tools menu, not the Advanced menu. With that toolbar showing, though, if you click the Crop icon, a Crop Pages dialog box opens. It has a Change Page Size area on it, in which you can select to change to one of the fixed page sizes, or enter a custom page size.

I'm adding this because I've gotten the impression that there aren't that many differences between the features available in v.8 compared to v.7, though the v.8 interface is revised and improved. Hope this helps.

Registered: Oct 4 2007
Posts: 6
Paul, I think the big difference is you have the Professional version while mine is Standard. Thanks for the info however.

Registered: Dec 31 2005
Posts: 848
Sorry for the late response. Just got back from a conference.

I haven't found any instance of a Page Size Toolbar in my Acrobat Bible. If somehow it is in there, it's wrong. I don't know of a Page Size toolbar in Acrobat. Can you site a page number for mention of a Page Size Toolbar?

You have essentially two crop tools in Acrobat Pro. The Advanced Editing toolbar contains a Crop Tool and the Print Production Toolbar contains another. The Crop Tool (from the Advanced Editing toolbar) enables you to size pages up or down.

The Print Production Crop Tool won't let you size a page down. This tool is used to size the page(es) up to accommodate Printer's Marks you add in Acrobat. The process is to first use the Add Printer's Marks tool and identify the marks you want to add. Then use the Print Production Crop tool to size up the page in order to see/print the crop marks.

Hope this helps.


The author of numerous books on Acrobat, Photoshop, Illustrator and the Adobe Creative Suite, and an international speaker on Adobe Acrobat, Ted Padova is a well-known PDF guru.

Registered: Oct 4 2007
Posts: 6
Page 462 refers to a Page Size Toolbar available through the Crop Tool Bar, but it isn't there, at least in Standard Version 8.
