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PDF and Outlook 2007

Registered: Oct 10 2007
Posts: 2

I have Acrobat 8.1 and I have created a PDF from Ai. There are web links and e-mail links I would like to preserve, but my problem is I can't seem to embed this PDF into my outlook 2007. Would you know how I can do this. It keeps attaching, but what I want is to EMBED it into an outlook e-mail body as a PDF. thanks billy

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Acrobat Pro 8.0999999999999996447286321199499070644378662109375, Windows
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
Hi billymcglone,

You need to make sure MS Word is your e-mail editor and you're using rich text or HTML format.

Then, when you click in the body of your email message and select Insert --> Object there should be a Create from File Tab to select your pre-existing PDF.Hope this helps,

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: Apr 25 2008
Posts: 1

I can create the fill-able form in Outlook, but the recipient will only able to see the checkboxes.... if they have their settings set accordingly (use MS Word to edit and read their emails) as well, correct?
Is there a way that the boxes appear, regardless of what settings are chosen at the recipient's end?

Registered: Apr 4 2009
Posts: 1
The Admin's approach only pastes an image into the body. It's no different than taking a snapshot and pasting from the clipboard into the message body. I'm still not aware of a method to display the PDF as it was created -- with real, readable text, links, etc.
Registered: Jun 9 2009
Posts: 1
I am trying to create an announcement email which has my PDF file as the email text in html format. We are using Acrobat 9 and outlook 2007. Is there a way I can copy my acrobat file into the email with the pic and text together instead of pics at the top and text at the bottom.