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PDF Files - Errors when opening

Registered: Aug 24 2007
Posts: 3

We receive PDF files from our clients; most open fine but some display the following errors:
- Too few operands
- An unrecognized token was found
We have tried using the following versions of Adobe Reader to open them:
- v5
- v6
- v7
- v8
Whilst v5 displays these errors, v8 just displays a blank page.
Any ideas what causes this? I've searched the internet with no luck.

My Product Information:
Reader 5, Windows
Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi SQ1Resources,

Those error messages mean the PDF is corrupted. With each new version of Acrobat and Reader Adobe has released over the last few years they have tightened up the PDF Spec, i.e., badly formed PDFs that Acrobat and Reader used to be forgiving with no longer work in later versions.

It would help to know what program your clients used to create the PDFs- are they using Acrobat or a clone product? Some clone products could be producing PDFs that don't conform to the spec.

It could also be that the PDFs were corrupted during email transmission- you could test this by having the client ZIP one of the problem files and re-send it to you- if it works that would point to an email problem.

Hope that helps,

WindJack Solutions
Registered: Aug 24 2007
Posts: 3
Hi Dimitri,

Although this problem isn't just restricted to one sender, the one I have managed to get some information from has told me the following:

PDF Producer : Oracle PDF driver
PDF Version: 1.4 (Acrobat 5.x)

I will ask them to send via Zip files from now on and see if that makes a difference.

I'll re-post when I have more info.


Registered: Apr 2 2008
Posts: 9

If the pdf files are corrupt, you may try Advanced PDF Repair at This tool is rather useful in salvaging damaged PDF documents.

Hope this will help.
