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Preflight, PDF/A and a syntax problem

Ryan Hughes
Registered: Apr 6 2009
Posts: 11


I'm using Preflight in Adobe 9 Pro to convert some old PDF's to the archiving format PDF/A-1b but one error it gives me is "Syntax Problem: Real value out of range (too low)". The value it says I have in the document is -91404.589 which is clearly below the range of for single-precision floating point numbers but when I try to search my document for this value it cannot find any. Is this a problem in Preflight or is the search not giving me the results I want? Or is it something else altogether?

I am new to using Acrobat and modifying PDF's so it may also be my rookie-ness.


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.0, Windows
Registered: Feb 14 2006
Posts: 333
First thing - RUN (don't walk) and get the 9.1 update. That includes an improved Preflight.

Second, look at the details of the report and it will tell you where the error is. Remember, that number isn't going to be in your content but it's in the "PDF data".

Leonard Rosenthol
PDF Standards Architect
Adobe Systems

Ryan Hughes
Registered: Apr 6 2009
Posts: 11
Hi leonardr,

I have updated to Adobe 9.1 and I still get the same errors. The details of the error is:
{ 165 0 obj/Rect[3] }, { Content Streams }

I have no idea what this means and nothing shows up when I use the "Show in Snap" button. I figure I don't see anything because it is an internal part of the document. What does this mean and is there a place where I can look at the internal parts of the PDF?

Thanks for your help,