How can I turn off these features in Adobe Acrbat Professional 9? It is becoming extremely annoying. I have to wait minutes each time I open a document, or turn the pages, or scroll the view. I am really fed up with this. Could anyone give me a way out??? I searched online and it seems a lot of people are having such problem but no solutions are provided anywhere!
And when I searched "turn off OCR" in this very forum, all the resulting links, such as, cannot be directed to the corresponding pages, but to
By the way, I cannot find the "Reading" option in the preference settings.
If this cannot be solved, I will seriously consider ceasing the use of Acrobat.
I purchased this software because it always worked so well, but as the versions have progressed, the additional hassle has only increased. I simply want to be able to scroll through a PDF without waiting for the pages to deskew, decompose, or rotate.
This is incredibly frustrating!
I am using Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro Extended Version 9.4.2
Someone please help.