I feel that I should be able to figure out how to do this....but here goes. I have a pdf of a notebook page that was scanned in. The image takes up the whole page so there is not a margin in which I can place a page number. How can I shrink the image on the page so that there is about a 0.5-1 in margin around the document?
A bit of a cheat as such but why not use the CROP PAGES command (Advanced / Crop Pages) and manually enlarge the paper size by xx. Then add your footers and when the document prints, ensure you have the default 'fit to printer margins' selected.
Besides that, you might want to print the PDF to the Adobe PDF printer with a scaling command and then crop out the page as above?
It's all a little fiddly but possible.
For advanced page size reduction I actually use Enfocus Pitstop Pro - it has loads of features based on content repurposing.
All the best,
I've been using Acrobat since v1.0 and still get amazed by its power. An Acrobat ACE since 1999