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Scanner compatibility issue with acrobat x pro

Registered: May 3 2011
Posts: 2

I have a kodak i40 scanner and have recently installed adobe acrobat x pro. when I scan a coloured document in it shows up in acrobat perfectly, but then when I go to print the background is a green pixelated watercolour. it is odd because i had acrobat 7 before and to fix the same issue i turned on a setting ont he scanner called 'Lone Pixel' and it fixed everything. I was wondering if there was some sort of setting I could try and change to make the weird background go away or if acrobat x pro is not compatible with my printers drivers.
Email me at lee [dot] humeniuk [at] gmail [dot] com

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 10.0, Windows
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
Do you know if you're using the most recent scanner/printer drivers for your current operating system? Also, have you tried using your Scanner's native interface (under the Options button in the Custom Scan dialog)? This should bring up your scanner interface where you can turn on the Lone Pixel setting.

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: May 3 2011
Posts: 2
Ya I'm using native interface. My os is xp not sure if it's professional or enterprise. I'm going to reinstall the scanner and see if I can configure it differently. Thanks.
Registered: Jun 1 2011
Posts: 5
I have just purchased and installed Acrobat X Pro 10.0.3 "Student and Teacher Edition," and am running on a iMac under OSX 10.5.8. I have an Epson Perfection 2580 Photo Scanner and have not been able to use it with the Adobe product. I read your post and tried to follow your suggestion.

First, my version of Acrobat X does not show any options beyond File > Create PDF from Scanner; there is not a "Custom" option available. Is that something I set in preferences? Or is it something to do with the "Student and Teacher Edition?"The scanner selection window in "File > Create PDF from Scanner" does not allow me to select my scanner. Worse, Acrobat somehow renders my scanner unavailable to the Epson native scanner software, unless I reboot my system. The Epson software thinks the scanner isn't connected. After I reboot, I can run the Epson scanning software and save the document as a .pdf, which I can then open with Acrobat X, but please, no one could call this acceptable.My scanner has worked perfectly with earlier versions of Acrobat. I guess I can always go back to the earlier version, which is still installed, and return the two copies of X I bought but I hate to do that. I hope someone can help me.

Acrobat 9ExpertTeam
Registered: Jul 11 2011
Posts: 389
When you run File > Create > PDF from Scanner the Custom Scan option is Windows Only. There is no difference in the Student Teacher Edition and the Shipping Version (except in upgrading). There was a bug fix in the Scanning interface in a recent Acrobat update. Make sure you are on Acrobat 10.1.1:

Kelly McCathran
Adobe Community Expert
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