When setting bookmarks and internal hyperlinks, I need to make the zoom level on all "inherit zoom." When they're created, they seem to inherit the zoom level during creation, usually "custom" or "fit page" or "fit width." Then I tediously go into each link or bookmark properties and change the zoom level to "inherit zoom." Is there any way to select all of them and change the zoom level? When attempting to do this in the past, it was also setting the page to whatever page the first link is - not acceptable. Please tell me someone thought of a way to fix this in Acrobat 8. Thanks.
With all bookmarks selected, open a context menu and select Properties. You can nest actions in the Properties dialog box. The existing bookmark propertes is set to Go to a Page View. Don't disturb it. Add a new action like a JavaScript and add the following code:
this. zoom = zoomType.fitP
Above for Fit Page. You can choose from a variety of different zoom types to change the code in the above script. Look in the JS Specificatgion manual for a list of zoomTypes. Unfortunately, you don't have an Inherit Zoom type, but you might find a zoomType that can fit your needs.
You may need to move the JavaScript action above the Go to a Page View action. Select the Run a JavaScript action after writing the code and click the Up button.
Adding the additional action won't disturb the original bookmark views.
The author of numerous books on Acrobat, Photoshop, Illustrator and the Adobe Creative Suite, and an international speaker on Adobe Acrobat, Ted Padova is a well-known PDF guru.