I want to be able to scan a large stack of documents into Acrobat, extract the pages as single files, and then be able to index them (usually by invoice # or check #) without having to open the file, save as, then delete the old doc.
About 10 years ago, I worked at an imaging company. We could scan a whole stack of documents, there was a separator page that would signal to the scanner that a new document was starting, and we could really power through it quickly. After they were all scanned in, you pulled up the file and it would open the image on the right and there was a box on the left for you to key in whatever you wanted to name the file. So you could see the invoice number on the right and key that into the box on the left.
I know this is overkill for what I want to use it for now, but since Acrobat does have the "extract pages as separate documents" option, I would like to find something that lets me use that, and then helps me index it easily. Any suggestions?
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