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Unable to Login to

Registered: May 3 2010
Posts: 10

I bought a license of acrobat pro extended.

I have been trying to gain access to these forums for 3 weeks now. I have tried setting up accounts for my work email, and my 2 personal email accounts. Finally one of the techs at Adobe have managed to get me access through one of my personal email accounts. I would like access through my work email, as to not flood my personal email account whichg I cannot access easily from work.

The problem is as follows:
1. Created a 'free account' from the home page.
2. Entered login details.
3. Received a "invalid username or password" error message.

Attempted troubleshooting:
1. Clicked 'forgot your password' link
2. Waited 1 day for email to be sent. (This did not arrive)
3. Clicked 'forgot your password' link.
4. Email arrived immediately with a link to reseting my password.
5. Clicking the link brought me to a page stating "You have already used this one-time login link. It is not necessary to use this link to login anymore. You are already logged in"
6. Every subsequent attempt to reset my password returns the same error.

I have tried sending an email to web_master [at] acrobatusers [dot] com and tried to send emails through 'contact us' and my messages were ignored.

Can someone please help me find a way to resolve this issue.

Thanks for your time.

If at first you don't succeed,
Try harder, untill you bleed!!?!

Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
You appear to be all set with the log in BIMTIM otherwise you wouldn't have been able to post in the forums. Perhaps the confusion is that your ID is not related to your Adobe ID. If you have further issues you can contact me through the email link below my avatar.


Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: May 19 2010
Posts: 21
Hey All,

I managed to Login finally.

It appears that Firefox was using a cached page when loading the "reset password" link.

I used another browser. I found that it also works if you clear the cache.

Thanks to lkassuba for helping me sort this issue
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
Glad to know things are working for you now.

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for