Is anyone else noticing this? I am a Master Collection CS5 owner and CANNOT upgrade to Acrobat X. Adobe tells me I have to purchase a new version or wait for CS6.
I would have hoped that Adobe would take better care of its most invested customers.
Anyone have any ideas?
First, I do not work for Adobe so this is from my own historical observation. The Acrobat and CS product lines are not on the same schedule, as you obviously know already. But for the last couple cycles the latest Acrobat, in this case X, is typically added to the CS dot releases (i.e., CS 5.X), not the full releases ( i.e., CS 6). It may be different this time but I doubt it.
Also, I think you can purchase Acrobat X if you have it in CS5 for the upgrade price, not the full price.
Hope this helps,
Dimitri Munkirs
WindJack Solutions