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Url link to PDF: can I force PDF to open in browser (not download)?

Registered: Feb 28 2008
Posts: 19

Here's the situation:
-- My client hosts PDFs of documents on their website/server.
-- They want to emial their contacts a url to specific PDFs.
-- The ideal is that when users cick the url in the email, the PDF opens in a new web-browser window (and doesn't download to their desktop).

Here is my question (well, actually two questions):
a) Can anything be done to force the PDF to open in a new browser window when they click the url link in the emial (note that url link is in an email, not in another PDF)...?

b)... Or is this determined by an individual user's browser settings (e.g. they set their browser to either download PDFs, or open in new browser window)?

Many thanks

PS: Please note that the url link to the PDF is in an email, adn not in an aonther PDF.

Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
I suspect that having the new/separate browser window open will be a function of the email
client/application configuration.

Such is the case with the web mail service provided by my ISP and for email at where I work.

Be well...

Be well...

Registered: Feb 28 2008
Posts: 19
Thanks for comment daka630

You say that behaviour of the PDF opening is likely to be "function of the email client/application configuration" -- but I think this is very unlikely...

THe email simply delivers the url

I've done a test myself of taking hte same link that's in the email and cutting-and pasting it into a web browser -- and you get the same behaviour of PDF-opening whether you click link from email, or you paste teh link into web browser.

Have you tried the test described above? Do you get smae behaviour of destination PDF in both cases?

Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
G'day Simon,
Yes, I've done what you've described. Actually, have done and continue to do this with some
Browser window opens, PDF is rendered, by Acrobat, within the browser window.

Looked about and came across some Adobe TechNotes that may be of some help.

Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader may be unable to display a PDF file inside a compatible web browser window if Acrobat or Reader can't read the PDF file, if the web browser isn't configured correctly with the Adobe PDF Browser plug-in, or if the web server on which the PDF file is stored can't serve the PDF file.

See also:

Be well...

Be well...

Registered: Feb 28 2008
Posts: 19
Thanks for notes Daka630.

Unfortunately, it leaves me with my two questions unanswered.

The questions are (from original post):

a) Can anything be done to force the PDF to open in a new browser window when they click the url link in the email (note that url link is in an email, not in another PDF)...?

b)... Or is this determined by an individual user's browser settings (e.g. they set their browser to either download PDFs, or open in new browser window)?
