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VB Script

Registered: Sep 26 2007
Posts: 4

hi helpers, me currently doing my course final year project in sch and i met some probelm with databases. I have to develope an online quiz setter. What this project does is i wrote a html which will run the program from web browser throught the server and it will pull out the question from my xml file to display it. So after completing the will store the question number and the score for the particular quiz into the database. But unfortunatly it wont store anything into the database. Below are all my code from different will link from pages to pages. I not surea about where goes wrong. Pls Help :(

var strNextQ
var objXmlHTTP,objXmlDOM;
var aQuest; //to store question ids
var aAnswer = new Array(); // to track the result
var aSelected = new Array(); // to store user's response
var count = 0; //to store the current question no
var ansSel = 0; //to store user's selection
var QuizDuration = 25 * 60 ; // 25 minutes
var timerID; //to store the setInterval fun's id
var radIndex = -1; //to store the selected radio's index
function loadImage(imgNum){
document.images[0].src = my_images[imgNum]
//constructor like function
//here XML objects are created and
//No of questions as well as question ids list
//are fetched from the server.
function init(){
objXmlHTTP = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
objXmlDOM = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");"POST","Level3.asp?Action=Start",false);
temp =objXmlHTTP.ResponseText;
aQuest = temp.split(",");
//initialize the user's answers list

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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
Hi xiaoxing1986,

I would suggest you post your question to our forums at:

Ask an Expert is focused on answering questions revolving around Adobe Acrobat.


Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: Sep 26 2007
Posts: 4
hi, thanks Lori Kassuba for the reply..i will post my question there instead..=D