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when replacing page in a document, loosing Text box info in the replacment page,

Registered: Oct 14 2010
Posts: 8

I'm replacing a page in a document (FSAR), the replacement page has information in a text box, i am loosing that info when i replace the page.
Also When I attempt to OCR a figure I get the error message "At desired resolution image is too wide, please try cropping". If i reduce the file size less the files is now less that 300dpi and it will not pass the preflight test.
i'm new to Acrobat 9 pro. Any ideas i could really do with some help.
thank you


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.0, Windows
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
"FSARs" - me too <G>
For the figure. I suspect that you may want to print it to a new PDF as a 400ppi image. You might want to use Acrobat's Print setup dialog to establish a smaller 'page size' (tabloid or ANSI Eng "C"). In the Print Setup dialog, click the Properties button. In the Adobe PDF Document Properties dialog, set "Default Settings" to the appropriate Distiller job option. Be sure to untick "Rely on system fonts only, do not use document fonts". The others are ticked/unticked as you desire.
Now, go to the Paper/Quality tab of the dialog. In the Color pane, tick Black and White. Note that, should you select Postscript Custom Page Size from the drop-down associated with Paper Size back in the Print Setup dialog then you will need to click the Advanced button on the Paper/Quality tab of the Adobe PDF Documnt Properties.

Doing so opens the Adobe PDF Converter Advanced Options dialog. The "Paper Size" value will show "Postscript Custom" - at the right side of this, click the Edit Custom Page Size button. In the Postscript Custom Page Size Definition dialog, enter the appropriate Width and Height. Be sure to click out of the last field that you enter a value in - else, what was entered will not "stick".
Now, with Print Setup done, Print (File > Print) [n.b., best practice: always have the Adobe PDF set as the default printer].
In the Print dialog, at the bottom left, click on the Advanced button. In the Advanced Print Setup dialog, tick "Print As Image" and select '400'. You may want to save the setting - it can be something that is used often.
Ok, print the new PDF. Give it a new file name. OCR with Searchable Image (Exact).
On to page replacement - this changes out the PDF page content. It does not transfer annotations (such as a text box) or form fields. You would have to flatten these first. Use the "out-of-the-box" Preflight. In the PDF Fixups Group use "Flatten annotations and form fields". Ensure that the textual content of the text box have the associated font embedded into the PDF. If the text box 'fill' is 'no color' the text can 'disappear' when the annotation is flattened. Kenny's documentation does not address annotations/form field usage. However, if not flattened and compiant with the guidanced document things can become dicey. Rememeber, much of what is in the guidance document is driven by NARA acceptance requirements -( Kenny's organization is required to transfer what we submitted to NARA.)
Cropping - this can result in some files with rather splintery characteristics. I have had to use crop at times as part of my work flow in prep'n stuff - always calls for additional processing to get a PDF that has no 'loose ends' when it comes to submittal.
Just an aside -
Get up to speed on accessible PDF. Yes, revision 6 of the guidance document steps away from this (for the time being). However, having watched (closely) the development of accessibility legislation, the pending change to Section 508 and DOJ activity it is evident (to me at least) that the ocean is receding from the shore. Islanders know this means it is time to seek 'high ground', eh. So, do pull in ISO 3200-1 for study.
See: Leonard's blog article -
free ISO 32000-1
Become familiar with Preflights. The Preflights Kenny provides are nice. But, aside from some not being fully congruent with the guidance document's discussion, there are other emminently useful features that support one's work flow.

Be well...

Registered: Oct 14 2010
Posts: 8
Thank you, I've been testing and it works great I also saved a copy of IS0 32000-1 from Leondard's blog and will definitely study it.

thanks again


Registered: Oct 14 2010
Posts: 8
help again... the OCR works great, but i'm still loosing the text as soon as I flatten annotations, how do i Ensure that the textual content of the text box has the associated font embedded into the PDF", I set the text box "fill" to white so it would not be "no color" and i still loose the information, only the text box border remains.

I have used the "Embed fonts" in the preflight "fix ups" prior to "flatten annotations".

thanks again Eve


Registered: Oct 14 2010
Posts: 8
help again... the OCR works great, but i'm still loosing the text as soon as I flatten annotations, how do i Ensure that the textual content of the text box has the associated font embedded into the PDF", I set the text box "fill" to white so it would not be "no color" and i still loose the information, only the text box border remains.

I have used the "Embed fonts" in the preflight "fix ups" prior to "flatten annotations".

thanks again Eve


Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
Use the Text Field tool.
You can use an annotation but the text color tends to go the the background color - text is there - can use TouchUp Text tool to select, right click for context menu - select Properties - In the Text tab > change to a system available font, reset font color to black and embed. Too much 'arrrrrgh' for my taste; so I use the Text Field tool.
--|On Acrobat 8's Forms Toolbar or,
--| Acrobat 9: Forms > Add or Edit Fields > use "Add Newk Field" to select Text Field
With the text field placed (rotate the PDF if need be - call up the grid to help postion (Ctrl+U)), go into the field's Properties).
--| Appearance Tab: Make the 'Fill Color' white. Make the 'Text Color' black. The defaulat font is Adobe's Helvetica - use the Font drop-down menu to select another font if desired.
--| Options Tab: Select desired 'Alignment' (Left | Center | Right); enter text string into the field for 'Default Value' (typically, I copy-paste from a text file that contains information pertinent to "my" figures); select 'Multi-line' if needed.
As PDF Optimizer is going to be used to flatten form fields I don't bother with anything else.
An example work flow:
--| Configuire Acrobat's Print Setup.
--| File Print (to an image (400 ppi) of the PDF page content) - takes me from ANSI E to tabloid. Save As to a new file name.
--| OCR (Searchable Image - Exact) & save.
--| Text Field Tool to add field (I keep a PDF containing preset 'buttons' and text fields open to support copy-paste).
--| Copy text string from my text file. Paste this into the 'Default Value' field.
--| Add a Bookmark.
--| Use PDF Optimizer to flatten form fields (have a saved setting that uses flatten form fields and save as fast web view).
--| PDF Optimizer output is saved as to a new file name (in a separate sub-directory).
--| Repeat for the multi-sheet figures.
--| Use combine to put several into one.
--| Clean up bookmarks, address meta data needs (via Batch Sequence in some cases), add user navigation if needed.
--| Run assorted Preflights (as appropriate to the specific work flow's deliverable requirements).
--| Output avoids "Non-searchable text on scanned images" issues.
(Although - the reality is semantic content of grahical plots or drawings is not 'textual' and OCR output of these is (1) incomplete, (2) contains inaccuracies, (3) contains font characters other than those associated with language characters, and (4) is 'run on', which is to say the are no 'word breaks'. — all to be expected as, after all, the semantic content is most clearly not that of a "textual document").
--| Issue: Section 508 compliance - even if "accessible" is used during the combine process the resultant PDF is not really something one wants to deal with. The manual editing to try and get the OCR content, that is inherently unusable to AT (or others - do a save as to text, see what is present, shake your head in dispair), is something of a sisyphean task. You can use TORU to tag out to "Figure" and enter the requisite Alt Text description. You still have an OCR output that must be dealt with (the OCR 'layer' is not part of the PDF page content).
A morass of manually editing PDFs everytime the PDFs are published to reflect new content.

More productive to be wrangling one of those bulls in Spain, eh.
On to Embed fonts.
The default Preflight does not embed "hidden text" from OCR. There is another Fixup profile that will do this. Do note that, when either are used, the font being embedded *must* be available to the local machine's OS. Also, 'same name' of a font type does not mean (in all cases) that the fonts are the same.
Actually, for what I think we are discussing, there is no added value of going the embed OCR hidden text route.
Guidance doc (through rev. 6 - we'll see what rev.7 says when it is 'fixed' and deployed again) acknowledges the reality that OCR output is *not* embedded (acknowledged in rev. 1).

Be well...

Registered: Oct 14 2010
Posts: 8
Just back from being away for a couple of days. I tested both the "TouchUp Text Tool" and the "Text Field Tool both worked, but I definitely agree the Text Field Tool is the better way to go, thank you for the work flow also it will be very helpfull, and yes it would be more productive to wrangle a bull as to have to do this everytime a figure is updated, but i guess it has to be done.

Thank you soooo much for the the help.


Registered: Oct 14 2010
Posts: 8
can i possibly ask an FSAR question? eve [dot] mcgreevy [at] scana [dot] com
