I have a Time Sheet that I posted about yesterday. "Time In" and "Time Out" fields are converted from time entries to whole hours with 2 decimal places after. They are also rounded off to .25.
My problem is that If a user enters 12:00am in their times, the script recognizes it as noon. i.e. If a user comes in at 11:30am and signs out at 12:30am, it returns "1.00" hour instead of "13.00" hours.
Here's my Document level script:
function TimeDiff(cInName, cOutName) {
// Using a time format of 'h:MM tt' for the start and end times
// create JavaScript date time object for start time
var oStart = util.scand("yyyy/mm/dd h:MM tt", util.printd("yyyy/mm/dd ", new Date()) + this.getField(cInName).value);
// create JavaScript date time object for end time
var oEnd = util.scand("yyyy/mm/dd h:MM tt", util.printd("yyyy/mm/dd ", new Date()) + this.getField(cOutName).value);
// adjust date for start time if start time is later than the end time to the previous day
if (oEnd.valueOf() < oStart.valueOf()) {
oStart.setDate(oStart.getDate() - 1);
} // end adjust start date
// convert Times to minutes
var StartTime = (oStart.valueOf() / (1000 * 60));
var EndTime = (oEnd.valueOf() / (1000 * 60));
// round Times to nearest 15 min
StartTime = Round2Nearest(StartTime, 15);
EndTime = Round2Nearest(EndTime, 15);
// convert Times to hours
StartTime = StartTime / 60;
EndTime = EndTime / 60;
// round Times to 1/100 th of an hour
StartTime = Round2Nearest(StartTime, 0.01);
EndTime = Round2Nearest(EndTime, 0.01);
// compute difference in Times
Diff = (EndTime - StartTime)
// return computed difference in hours
return Diff
} // end TimeDiff
// end document level functions
In a previous incarnation of this form, I solved the problem with this:
var RegExp = /12/;
var RegExp2 = /am/;
var TOText = (this.getField("TimeOut1").value);
WholeHours = (WholeHours + 12);
var TIText = (this.getField("TimeIn1").value);
WholeHours = (WholeHours + 12);
But I haven't been able to make this work.
Any ideas?
if you use 12 jour clock system,
so 12:00 a.m. (midnight) is at 24 hour clock as 00:00 ,
12:01 a.m. -> 00:01 , 11:59 a.m. -> 11:59 ,
12:00 p.m. (noon) -> 12:00 , 12:01 p.m. ->12:01 ,
11:59 p.m. -> 23:59 and so on...consult http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/12-hour_clock
Is it not clearer to use this advanced '24 hour clock' system
used widely in western civilizations?
If you use it, then there is no need to do any tricks
to get the real time. Only keep on track which day it is
to get proper time advance.
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According to most IT HelpDesk people, the most common reason for user error (regardless of Operating System) is ID 10T.