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Allow review in a batch process

Registered: Oct 6 2010
Posts: 2


I would like to create a batch process so multiple selected documents could be set to be reviewed. I use function app.execMenuItem(DIGSIG:UBDoc), but it does not work properly when 2 or more documents are selected (basically, when batch processes make sense). Despite selecting all options for an automatised process like 'overwrite' and so on, I think the problem still comes with the window asking for confirmation when overwriting.

Do I have to write something in the JS apart from: app.execMenuItem(DIGSIG:UBDoc); ?

I am guessing something related to the "Yes to all" idea.

Thank you very much.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.0, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
Applying Reader Rights to a PDF is a very protected operation. Only Adobe tools can apply Reader Rights. There are no 3rd party tools that can do this, and there never will be. In 9 we've been given the ability to apply rights to one document at a time, but if you want to do it enmass then Adobe would prefer you purchase the Rights Server.

That said, there are ways around this limitation. For example, with the help of a mouse and keyboard simulator you could write an external program enable a folder full of PDFs. But Adobe won't help you with this.

Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script