Hi Everyone,
I'm new to this forum and would like to seek your valuable help in my project.
I created an acrobat form with required fields and upon clicking on configured button, I put a validation script that pops an alert if there are blanks on the required fields. Can you please help me construct a script that will pop an alert populated with all the fields that supposed to be non-blank. for example
Please review and complete the required fields:
Missing information on Name
Missing information on Age
I currently have this:
var RequiredFields = new Array(2);
RequiredFields[0] = "Name";
RequiredFields[1] = "Age";
var AlertMsg = new Array(2);
AlertMsg[0] = "Missing information on Name";
AlertMsg[1] = "Missing information on Age";
var bSuccess = true;
var emptyTest = /^\s*$/;
var fieldCount = RequiredFields.length;
var fld = 0;
for (var i=0; i
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Appreciate all your help...
- AcrobatUsers Community Expert - Contact me personally at try6767 [at] gmail [dot] com
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