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Can't seem to kill JavaScript

Registered: Nov 22 2006
Posts: 37

I just got 8.0 Pro last week but have spent years with 5.0 and creating forms with JavaScript. I need to delete all JavaScripts from a form. When I click Advanced > Document Processing > Edit all JavaScripts and delete the code, it reappears when the document is saved and reopened. Most of the scripts occur when PDF opens but I can't seem to delete those. What am I doing wrong?


Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
Have you looked to see if there are any "Page Open" or "Page Close" actions that do not use JavaScript?

If so, you will have to remove those action through the 'Set Page Action" UI.

You also might have to check for other document actions not using JavaScript.

George Kaiser

Registered: Nov 22 2006
Posts: 37
Thank you! That worked but had to consult the Help file to find how to access Page Actions (Click Pages icon on left, right-click on thumbnail and select Page Properties.) The new method is handier when working with multiple pages than the old method in 5.0.

Any day I can learn something new about 8.0 is a good day. Thanks again!
