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Checkbox to unlock pages of form

Registered: Apr 22 2009
Posts: 15

I have a 7 page form, what I need is to have a checkbox on page 1 that activates pages 2-4. Bascially I want pages 2-4 to be locked by default and if this check box is checked to unlock the fileds in pages 2-4.
Can anyone help?

Registered: Jul 25 2006
Posts: 255
I am not sure if I understand what you mean with "locked".

Is it that the fields on these pages are read-only (and therefore not fillable or usable)?

Is it that the pages are not visible at all?

In the second case, will your users have Acrobat or Reader?


Max Wyss.

Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
You can create a JavaScript function to lock or unlock a group of named fields. You could then call that function to lock the fields when the form is opened, so you know the initial state, and then you would call that function from the check box when the value of the check box is not "Off" or it is the export value for that particular check box.

You could also include a cover field to hid the content of the other pages.

Since your form will rely on the use of JavaScirpt, you may need to provide a form field that notes JS is needs to be enabled that is visible by default and is hidden only if a document level JS script hides the field when the PDF is opened.

George Kaiser