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Combine Text Fields (Agian Didnt Understand Other Post)

Registered: Apr 1 2011
Posts: 5

Ok im a real newb to Adobe X Pro just got it a few days ago.
Trying something real simple and cant seem to figure it out.
I Have
Want them to Display in
No Idea where to start i find some java code boxes but no java i use works at a loss any help would be great thanks.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro Extended 10.0, Windows
Registered: Jul 6 2008
Posts: 1875
When you say combine, what do you mean exactly? Numerical addition, string concatenation, something else?
Registered: Apr 1 2011
Posts: 5
Oh im sorry ya i can get sum and stuff to work no there text fields that will compile the file name at the header.

string concatenation
Registered: Jul 6 2008
Posts: 1875
OK. Now you need to tell us when you want the Text8 field to show the value. What should happen if Text3, 2, 1, or 6 are blank? You might want to give a bit more background so we have more details about what you're trying to accomplish.

A simple script that does what you indicated so far would look something like this:

  1. // Get the field values, as strings
  2. var s1 = getField("Text3").valueAsString;
  3. var s2 = getField("Text2").valueAsString;
  4. var s3 = getField("Text1").valueAsString;
  5. var s4 = getField("Text6").valueAsString;
  7. // Set this field value by concatenating the strings
  8. event.value = s1 + s2 + s3 + s4;
Registered: Apr 1 2011
Posts: 5
Well i want it to update that Text8 field whenever data is being entered so it can be all nulls or blanks untill they start enter the information its a trademark compliance form so Text 3 2 1 6 will be filled in always but blank at first.

Ya if there is not like an auto update then i need to refresh or something when Text 3 2 1 6 are typed in

Ill try the above do i just add that to the calc tab of text8?

Registered: Apr 1 2011
Posts: 5
Accepted Answer
Oh no this code works great dont under stand why nothing i did didnt work i guess event.value is the Text8 Container?
Registered: Apr 1 2011
Posts: 5
LOL duh meant to accept the above post #3 it worked perfect thanks guys