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Dependencies across conditionals

Registered: May 24 2010
Posts: 29

cross-posted in the LiveCycle Forum

Using LiveCycle Designer ES2 9.0 - Windows

Form setup info: 4 Pages, 3 subforms per page, radio groups inside the subforms

Ran into something odd. I have (2) conditional sections (IF statements with ELSE IFs nested) for a calculated script, the point of which is to place a string into a textfield based on certain radio buttons being selected.

The first conditional section is a warren of nested IFs and ELSE IFs that are checking the value of varying radio buttons across the 3 subforms across the 4 pages.

The second conditional section is fairly simple and checks the condition of completley different radio buttons than the first conditional section, and does not reference ANY of the subforms the first section is testing.

The first section had two referencing erorrs, where I was pointing to either the wrong subform or the wrong page for the tested element (i.e. form1.Page2.Level2.level2_1.value == 1 the element level2_1 was accidentally pushed into subform Level3, etc). This error was causing the second conditional section to not calculate properly.


These two sections are (logically) independant: the second conditional section literally does not call out any element for any subform that the first IF section is running through. Yet, those two errors caused the second IF section to not return the proper string value.

Is this a bug, or a "feature" of the underlying XML structure to the form? The first IF was not valid anyway, and should not have stepped through it's inners. Irrespective, since the second IF was not contained in the first, and does not even reference the same elements, why does a problem in the first cause errors in the second?

My Product Information:
LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: May 24 2010
Posts: 29
Nevermind - figured it out I think.

The element with the code was a "calculated - read only" field, and the conditionals were the javascript for that field. The error in the first IF must have blown the calculation, thus causing the second IF to not work properly.
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
Acrobat JavaScirpt is an interpreted language and the code is read and run until it hits an error and then stops at that point and no other actions, fields, or funcitons are processed.

George Kaiser