Hi fellows,
I am trying to detect which is the context the user is viewing one PDF file. Could be Reader, Acrobat, inside a web browser, in Mac OS van be using the Preview App, etc.
The goal is to get to know the capabilities of the environment, to check if that PDF will be played at full capability.
I used the app.viewerVersion, app.viewerType, etc. and works fine BUT...
When I play a test PDF in the context of a web browser like Google Chrome or Safari in MacOS , I got a message as I am viewing the PDF into Acrobat Pro 9 (my version), at its full extent, like:
app.viewerVersion = 9 , app.viewerType="Exchange-Pro" (=Acrobat) , and so on, but I cannot for instance play Video Clips in this context.
I also tried doc.media.canPlay ... and no luck. The PDF gives me the SAME message inside Acrobat Pro or Safari, and it is clear that inside a Web Browser I cannot play video clips embedded in a PDF.
So it looks that, when the PDF is viewed inside a web browser that allows display PDF instead of download them, the same PDF javascript cannot tell if he is inside a web browser or inside Acrobat Pro X.
Any ideas? Thanks!